Latest Wordpress Update. Click!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I noticed that a lot of you put this on your blogroll and not my xanga.
But in actual fact i actually post on my xanga more than i do here.
And i do not do copy paste posts. Sorry.
So if you could, please put this one your blogroll with my blogger thank you.
I would really appreciate that.

Aaron just got PWNED. Read more HERE...

Friday, July 3, 2009


just finished the book Jimmy Coates: Target...
awesome book...
its the second of the Jimmy Coates series...

i've read the first too...
also amazing...

its super cool...
its about a kid, 11 years old, who finds out he was specially and genetically enhanced to grow up into the perfect assassin when he turns 18...

but he doesnt want to...
so he's running away from the British Secret Service...

its so cool....
i'm just wondering when this will turn into a movie...
sure become blockbuster one man...
crazy book...

so even as an 11 year old kid, he can do lots of amazing stunts and stuff...
that he didnt know he could do...

anyways, if anyone sees the third book by Joe Craig, Jimmy Coates: Revenge, do hollar, i wanna get my hands no that book...

read read read

Thursday, June 25, 2009


i feel so blessed...

and stressed...

Saturday, June 20, 2009


btw, my previous updates are down there... so you gotta scroll down...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Survivor Camp 09

punya syok

this is one experience of a lifetime...

so what is survivor camp?
well its a camp where the participants have to survive through times of pain, gain and everything in between...

how has the camp impacted my life?
well... i was the organiser...
together with my team...
lots of last minute changes to be made...
we expected that..
but we didnt expect this much changes to happen and such drastic changes...

God is good...
there were times when i wanted to give up...
but God always changes things for the better...

i was so tired man after the camp...
really... im not done resting yet actually... im still feeling the effect of the camp...
my bones feel tired... my movement is slow... my brain does not process as fast... yeah...

tomorrow go island lagi tu...
i hope...

oh btw, i designed that logo up there...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Penny For My Thoughts Please

Well I'll Be

blogging here more often from now on...
so it'll be like having two blogs at the same time...
why would i want to do that?
well i dunno...

it was... well...
inspired i guess...
thanks to aunt E. aka The Hinge...

I wish i had a cool name too...

I Love Pixar!

dont you?

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I updated at my xanga...

i wonder who comes here?

Just for everyone's info...
the cbox here is the same as the cbox here...
so if you type here...
i get it on my xanga too hahahaha...
high tech leh...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hey People

Hi Hi and Hi again

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hello World

im aaron... i updated in my xanga... go there.. theres a link... on the left.... top... left....